Friday 6 May 2011

Secondary Research

The rest if my research topics are hard for me to come by in person, and so I have decided to use secondary sources the gain images of these topics; I will then use these as a basis for my designs.

Below are the last pieces of research for my Inchelina illustration.
I have gathered a range of images for my toadstool, as the real ones are quite different from the ones we see in our minds. I will consider which design will be most appropriate for my illustration. I am keen on realism in my images, but I also have to consider my audience.
Walnut shell
At this time of year I have struggled to find walnuts still in the shell, and so have found some online. These will help me create accurate textures and shapes when designing the bed for Inchelina. During my search, I found the right-most image, and thought it was an interesting design that could be adapted into my illustration.
Water Reeds
The water reeds will help to set the scene; they will line the water's edge especially in the background, this will help the scene look thicker and denser.

The Little Mermaid
Fish Shoal
I hope to add a small shoal of fish into the background of my scene, as it will add some depth and detail. I am considering designing it into a shape that resembles something key in the story, i.e. mermaid shaped.
Seaweed and Sea Bed
I am interested in the look of the sea bed and collumns of seaweed. I think this will also add depth to my illustration, as I can use it as a foreground piece and to line the pathway to the castle.
Underwater Ripples
Although I have created a brief underwater scene before in my previous project, it is important that I make this one look realistic; and so I thought it useful to carry out some research. Since I don't have access to an underwater camera or a topical sea, I decided to use secondary sources to widen my knowledge.

I am now going to use all the research I have gathered to create another set of designs. I will then use my matte painting skills to create a digital mock-up of my idea, which I will develop into my final image. My final images will contain a mix of photomontage and digital painting; I will decide which elements will be painted after my designs are complete and I have created my mock-ups.

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