Sunday 15 May 2011

Experiment with Little Mermaid Castle

The original narrative describes the castle as begin made of various shells; however, during my designs I realised that I wanted to create a more traditional castle, as this would speak better to my audience. But I have decided to experiment with creating a shell castle.

I began with the outline of my original castle design and used various shells from my research photographs to fill in each section of the building. I like the idea of this and the tower shells work well as turrets; however, I don't think people will see this structure as a castle, rather a gathering of large shells.
I have imported the new castle design into the composition I created to see how well it fits together, initially. I don't think this is a good way to go. The castle doesn't look particularly castle-like and it will confuse my audience. Therefore, I have decided to use my original castle design, and built it up with textures and decoration. However, this experiment has given me the idea to use the tower shells as posts marking a path down to the castle. This will help build a sense of scale and distance, and incorporate more elements from the narrative.

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