Wednesday 11 May 2011

New Designs

I have spent today working on widening my design ideas for my Inchelina image. This has involved sketching a variety of designs and alterations on many sheets of A1, adding and removing new and old ideas. it has been very useful and I am pleased to say that at the end of today, I have a design idea for Inchelina that I will now use as a base for my digital mock-up. See large sheets or sketchbook.

During my drawing exercise, I began to think about the height of each element. It will be very important to get the positioning correct for my images to be successful, because the idea very much relies on perspective. I made some notes to this effect in my sketchbook. See sketchbook.

The next set of designs I am going to do is for Rapunzel. I have already been redesigning the tower. See sketchbook.

New Designs Two - Thu 12th May
I have now completed my task of redesigning all three of my images. I am pleased with the progression I have made, and now have final designs that I am ready to build on top of. I will use them as a map for my initial digital mock-ups. This will involve using images I have and combining them with rough digital sketches in Photoshop. This task will help to get an idea of how best to build up my images and which areas will need more work than others. It will also help to give me a better idea of time scales in these last few weeks of the project.

See large sheets or sketchbook for designs.

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