Monday 2 May 2011

Plaits and Castles

I have begun my research into imagery for my Rapunzel piece by looking at the two key elements: a braid of hair and castle towers.
These images will help to create a longer braid in my image. I am unsure how I will make this one, as far as I can tell I have two options. Either I will use these images to piece together a longer, blonder version; or I will use these to help understand the patterns created and create a completely digital version. I will come to a decision nearer the time, and after some experimentation.

These are my photographs of Warwick Castle. I will use these to help my designs for the tower in Rapunzel, and as a base for the underwater castle in The Little Mermaid.
I am thinking of creating a tower with a slightly different design, like that from the film The Brothers Grimm that I was looking at earlier in my research. I have also got some images off a Google-image search. These are more like the shapes I am looking to create. I will use all of these shapes to create a range of designs for my tower.

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