Wednesday 4 May 2011

Rose Petal, Leaves and Bushes

There are a variety of natural objects and landscapes that I need to research to help build up some realistic images.
Pink Rose Petal
The rose petal is for Inchelina's bed sheet in the walnut shell. Unfortunately, this rose petal is slightly curled due to age; however, I have gained some knowledge of colour variations and shape. This will help me to create a realistic digital analogue.
Leaves and Grass
The leaves and grass will come in useful for both the Inchelina and Rapunzel illustrations. These leaves are all grown wild on the edge of fields, which will be in keeping with the context of the stories' locations.
Trees and Bushes
Once again, these trees and bushes will be useful for two, if not all three, of my illustrations. I intend to use the conifers as the trees around the castle in the Little Mermaid; and the more wild trees will be useful for the surrounding forest in Rapunzel.
More Trees and Bushes

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