Monday 30 May 2011

Extra Design Ideas

Although my tutors are now happy with the progress I have made on my first image, they have advised me to consider printing my illustrations to a smaller scale and surround them by other images that contain objects, which link to each of the stories. I have taken this into account and have begun some designs regarding this new arrangment and the surrounding images. See Sketchbook for original drawings.
Exhibition Space Layout
This shows the layout I have created for my exhibition space. It contains three main doors to smaller scale than I originally intended, which the illustrations will be behind. They are now surrounded by smaller doors of a range of sizes. Some of these will open to reveal digital images that I will create and some will have physical jars containing objects. Each jar will link to the stories in one way or another. This will give the viewers another dimension to see my illustrations and hopefully help them to pick out which stories they are depicting. I intend for some of the smaller doors to have doors, others will just be a frame. I also intend to have some doors which don't open or are empty inside. This will reinforce the idea of opening a door into another world, as they don't all open into a fantasy world.
Jar Designs and Ideas
I have reread all of my stories and picked out some key elements that I have unable to put in my illustrations. Each one helps to define the story it is based on. Although I have more designs to do, I am happy to settle on these for now and perhaps discover some more nearer the time. I also have to pin down numbers and sizes of doors; however, I need to measure my space before this can be confirmed.

Although I am convinced by the extra additions to my exhibition space, I am still unsure on the reduction in scale of my illustrations. My original idea was to make images to fit full size doors, and this inspired me a great deal. I would be disappointed if I was not able to fulfil this aspiration. However, I understand the restrictions that come with such a scale.

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