Monday 16 May 2011

Mock Up Creation - Rapunzel

The final mock up I have to do is for Rapunzel. I began with the plait, as this was the simplest section as well as the most important to the illustration. I created a longer version of the plait I photographed for research by cropping a section, duplicating it several times and merging them together. I then altered the colour to make it more blonde, as it is compared to spun gold in the narrative. The castle was the next section I began work on. Using the pen tool in Photoshop, I was able to create the shape that I wanted and add a sense of depth through an alteration in fill colours. This will need more work for the final illustration, mostly in the process of building texture, i.e. bricks wall and straw roof.
I then began work on the path to the tower and the surrounding forest. The part of the image isn't quite as simple as I was hoping; the path doesn't look long enough and the trees aren't dense or have leaves. However, after some experimentation I was able to create a better sense of perspective and thicker forest using images from my trees and bushes research.
The development continued and I know have a range of background options. Some of these compositions look more realistic than others; obviously all of them will need a lot more work. At this time, I think the left-most image is the most appropriate composition, but I will most likely create a combination of all of these images until I find the best looking illustration.

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