Sunday 12 June 2011

New Research

When I came to look at the resources I had to create this last illustration, I realised that all of the trees had no leaves. This left the composition very empty, and it didn't look like a dense forest. These are the new set of photographs I have taken, now that we are into summer the trees have more leaves and appear a lot thicker than previously.
Inside the Woods, with path
Wider Composition
I am much happier with these images, as they will fill out my composition nicely. There may be some trouble with the highlights and shadows depending which image I use together. This is due to the fact that the sun was in and out therefore making inconsistant shadows throughout my entire research. However, this can be solves using a variety of tools on Photoshop, including brightness/contrast and the dodge tool.

Whilst I was gathering this research, I had an idea that could improve the design of my composition. I plan to briefly experiment with this idea at the start of the development.

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