Saturday 25 June 2011

Digital Jars Behind Doors and Final Exhibition Space

Now that all of my digital jars are complete, I have have put them in position in my doorways.
I am pleased with the images in their proper context, as I think the illusion works; they look like the door has been opened on a a real cupboard, which is the effect I was hoping to create.
Above are images of the final layout and completed exhibition space for my project. I am very pleased with the final outcome of this project. The only concern I now have is that the visitors to the exhibition will be too shy/hesitant to open the doors and look inside. However, I am glad to see that passers by in the department have been curious enough to open the doors, and hopefully this will be similar in the outside visitors. Also, some of the doors swing open slightly on their own, allowings veiwers to peer inside. This will make them realise that there is something behind the doors and they should be opened.

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