Tuesday 5 April 2011

Initial Intentions

My interest in modern films, such as Alice in Wonderland, has drawn me to digital scenery. I am fascinated by the scene's ability to draw in an audience into believing in a world that is completely unreal, and so I want to create a similar effect with my images for this final project.

I intend to create a series of large scale digital images that illustrate a scene based on a well-known story. I have chosen a selection of fairy tales to illustrate, as these are well known stories that each have iconic features that my audience will connect with.

The stories I have chosen with descriptions of the scene I will illustrate:
Rapunzel - open field; castle tower with window; long plait of hair falling through the window reaching to the floor; blue sky; pathway leading to the castle.
Hansel and Gretel - pathway leading through a forest; breadcrumbs trail on path; possible glimpse of gingerbread house through the thick trees.
The Three Billy Goats Gruff - wooden bridge stretching ahead; glimpse of the troll's horns from under the bridge.
One of these scenes may change as I move through my project.

In my exhibition I intend to present these scenes behind doors that the audience will open and feel like they are walking into the scene. The pathways in each scene will lead from the door and into the scene, hopefully increasing the sensation of walking into another world.

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