Thursday 7 April 2011

Initial Design Sketches

I have now created a range of rough designs for each of my chosen scenes. I will now evaluate each one to help me make decisions on how to better my ideas. Each of my drawings have been done to a rough scale of the door measurements I previously researched. Also see sketchbook for original drawings.

Hansel and Gretel
Design One                  Design Two
In the first design I have tried to incorporate as much detail as I could from the original story; for instance the white bird that lures the children, the ordinary bird(s) that eat the bread crumbs, the forest and the house. I like this idea as it is iconic and could be interesting to create, i.e. the food-based house. Design Two is very similar but I have created a composition that allows full view of the house. This could be advantageous if the house is designed properly, but the food-textures could be difficult to create.

Design One            Design Two            Design Three
I am very excited about the Rapunzel representation. Of these designs my favourite is Design One; it has a strong focus on the tower with few distractions. This could help to create a very realistic image from the very start. However, Design Two is truer to the original narrative: the tower being in the centre of the forest. I must consider which direction to take: artistic vision or true to the story. This is an important decision I will consider through the early stages of my research. As I continue my research into my topics, I will gain a better idea of what I hope to create at the end of this project.

 The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Design One                      Design Two
I struggled to create a range of designs for this particular story. I liked Design One and found the story too simple to elaborate. Although I like Design One, I fear it is not quite clear enough that it is a representation of The Three Billy Goats Gruff, as there is little to include in the scene besides the bridge and the grassy hills. I am reluctant to put characters in the scene for complex reasons. I think adding a character will make the scene look quite static; whereas, I need a sense of movement to make the scene seem realistic.

These drawing have helped me to realise my aims, and have made me think about changing at least one of my stories. I am happy with this change in direction, as it is still early stages in the project and changes will always have to be made to help a project develop and evolve. Therefore, I will move on to my research into digital film scenes and adaptations of fairy tales. This may help me to consider other fairy tales.

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