Wednesday 27 April 2011

Other Artist's Work Inspired by My Chosen Stories

I am now decided on my three scenes and am interested to see what other artists have been inspired to create from the same stories.

Thumbelina art - Deviant Art
*created by meago; aoi to kuro; TohruHondaSan; crycry
I have struggled to find artwork by searching for Inchelina, and so I have been searching for Thumbelina, as this is the same story, but with a few translation differences and is more common. However, I have been sure to choose artwork that shows scenes from the version I have been studying. There are a few different scenes shown above: the girl stranded with the toads; the girl sheltering from the rain after being abandoned by the May fly; when she meets the king of the flowers; and the last is a slight mix it shows the girl stranded on the lily pad with the toads, but the butterfly that follows her downstream is also there. I like this approach, and am interested in creating a mix of scenes for my own design as there isn't one particular scene that I want to illustrate. Once again I have chosen images with different styles, as it is interesting to see how other artists work. I particularly like the style used in the first image, as it is quite realistic. I am also interested in how this artist has created a sense of depth in the grass in the background, I am likely to need to do this, but am currently unsure how to approach the problem. Although each of these images contains the main character, I am looking to create the scene and it be recognisable without the character being in the piece. I think adding a character will distract from the power of a scene to draw in an audience; this is the effect I am hoping to create.

The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid art - Deviant Art
*created by o_Claire_o; Kularien; littlecrow; GoddessVirage
Due to the success and popularity of Disney's adaptation of this story, most of the artwork created by people has a clear resemblance to the characters in the film, so I have tried to avoid those images as I don't think it's very original to copy characters already made by a successful film company.

Each of these images has a different approach to the lighting of the scene. The first if quite gloomy, but with a certain glow that suggests hopefulness in the character. The third is similar to this in this it is quite dark and she is hiding in the shadows. The second image is quite different from either of these: it is much bluer and has lots of light reflections within the water. I also like this image as it has its own twist on the story, a diver coming down to her, with a rose in a diver's suit. Light is a very important part of the images I hope to create, so I will bear in mind everything I have learnt from these images. It will also be harder to create realistic light in this underwater scene, as it is something I do not encounter every day.

Rapunzel art - Deviant Art
*created by tom-monster; Nairo716; GloriaPM; foolM00N
I have had a similar problem finding suitable images to study based on this story, with the recent release of Disney's Tangled. However, I have managed to find a good selection to look at that aren't based on the film. The first image is the most similar to the one i have in mind to create, although I need to finalise my designs. It contains only the tower and some surrounding area, with a dangling of long hair from the window. I like the design of the tower in this piece, it looks very old fashioned and traditional in terms of associations with fairy tale imagery. The second piece has a very soft use of light, which is most effective when combined with the position of the character; she looks very forlorn and the lighting reflects this. The right-most image is an amusing take on the story and contains cute characters that successfully carry the humour the artist has tried to create. I am very interested in the bottom image as it has an intriguing use of detail. The character's face and dress has a large amount fine detail, but the brick are much less defined and continue to lose that definition the lower they go. This has a very useful effect on the viewer's eyes, as it creates focus on the character and creates the impression that she is only important thing in the image or maybe the world.

I have found all of this research very helpful and intend to use everything I have learnt and apply it to my design drawings.

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